Ikebana International

Tokyo Founding Chapter

What's New


*members SAKURA NEWS: June 30, 2024 最新号のお知らせ


Gala Luncheon and Donation Ceremony 義援金贈呈式と昼食会2024

JUNE GALA LUNCHEON AND DONATION CEREMONY  義援金贈呈式とガラランチョン JUNE 3rd(Mon), 2024   Photographs of the June Ga […]

May Monthly Meeting 5月例会

MAY MONTHLY MEETING 5月例会 May 14, 2024   Ikebana Demonstration was performed by Mr. Rihoh Semba, Headmaste […]

April Monthly Meeting 4月例会

APRIL MONTHLY MEETING 4月例会 April 4, 2024 Ms. Seika Kasuya, the Master Instructor of the Sogetsu Headquarters d […]

TFC Ikebana Exhibition 2024 in Tokyo Tower

TFC IKEBANA EXHIBITION IN TOKYO TOWER  MARCH 16 & 17, 2024   恒例の東京支部いけばな展 「復興への願いをいけばなに託して」 @東京タワー &n […]

February Monthly Meeting / 2月例会

February Monthly Meeting 2月例会 February 16, 2024   Mr. Masakazu Nakamura, Assistant Instructor of Ikenobo […]

Tree Planting for Indonesia-Japan 65th Year Anniversary at Indonesian Ambassador’s Residence 日本・インドネシア国交樹立65周年記念植樹

Tree Planting for Indonesia-Japan 65th Year Anniversary at Indonesian Ambassador’s Residence 日本・インドネシア国交 […]

May Monthly Meeting 5月例会のご案内


TFC Contribution with Ikebana for the visit by Crown Princess of Brunei Darussalam ブルネイ皇太子妃殿下来日にTFCのいけばな体験

TFC Contribution with Ikebana for Meeting between Mrs. KISHIDA Yuko, Spouse of the Prime Minister of Japan and […]

TV Broadcasting: Tree Planting in February 2024 on TV インドネシア大使公邸記念植樹 TV放映のお知らせ

Notice for TV Broadcasting  「日本・インドネシア国交樹立65周年記念植樹」の「皇室アルバム」での放送が確定   Tree Planting for Indonesia-Japan 6 […]


お知らせ Donation Ceremony on TV program 義援金贈呈式のテレビ放映予定

The donation ceremony held on June 14 in the presence of Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado will be telev […]

Ikebana for 60th Year Anniversary of Portland Japanese Garden

TFC offered the Ikebana arrangement to decorate the stage to celebrate 60th year anniversary of the Japanese G […]

June Gala Luncheon / 義援金贈呈式と昼食会2023

Donation Ceremony & June Gala Luncheon Wednesday, June 14, 2023             Venue: Hotel New Otani  “Tsuru […]

May Monthly Meeting / 5月例会 2023

Annual General Meeting and May Monthly Meeting May 17, 2023 (Wednesday)          Venue: International House Ko […]

TFC Ikebana Exhibition in April 2023「花を通じての友好」いけばな展 2023

Ikebana Exhibition 2023 “Friendship through Flowers” April 15, 2023 (Saturday)               Pre-opening exhib […]

March Monthly Meeting / 3月例会 2023

The March Monthly Meeting March 22, 2023(Wednesday)         Venue: The Embassy of the Republic of Angola The I […]

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