投稿者: TFC_PR

Notice of Cancellation of April Monthly Meeting

Notice of Cancellation of April Monthly Meeting


Notice of Cancellation of April Monthly Meeting

We planned to hold the April Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, April 21st at Shibuya-ku Cultural Center Owada, Densho Hall, the collaboration of Ikebana by Mr. Kosen Ohtsubo, Ryuseiha and Noh Play by Mr. Takao Yamauchi.  However, considering the risks to the public health due to the continuing spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have now decided to cancel the April Meeting.  Though we want to postpone this event in future, it is very difficult to decide the specific date at this moment.  I would appreciate your understanding and cooperation.  I hope the spread of coronavirus will cease very soon and we will be able to conduct the various TFC activities as usual.


4月21日(火)、渋谷区民文化センター大和田、伝承ホールにおいて、龍生派家元顧問教授、大坪光泉先生による立華のデモンストレーションと、宝生流シテ方の山内崇生様によるお能とのコラボレーションを予定しておりました。しかしながら、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のために会合などを自粛することを与儀なくされている現在の状況を鑑み、4月例会を中止 することといたしました。現時点では、延期する場合の開催日を設定することが大変難しい状況です。何卒皆様のご理解をいただきたくどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。


Notice of Cancellation of March 30 Members Ikebana Exhibition

Notice of Cancellation of March 30 Members Ikebana Exhibition


Notice of Cancellation of March 30 Members Ikebana Exhibition


Due to the government’s request, the TFC members ikebana exhibition on Monday, March 30, at KKR Hotel Tokyo will also not be held.

At this time, we have not decided whether the members exhibition will only be postponed or whether we will cancel it entirely. We will decide about that later.

Please check this web page for the latest information.


We appreciate your understanding. We wish that health risks from the coronavirus will cease very soon.







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