
September Monthly Meeting / 9月例会 2022


2022年9月25日(日)                会場: 渋谷文化総合センター大和田 伝承ホール

今期第1回目の例会が開催されました。いけばな松風 副家元の塚越応駿先生のダイナミックないけばなのデモンストレーションは、後藤魂氏(ピアノ)、片野吾朗氏(ベース)、林哲郎氏(サックス)の各ジャズ奏者のアドリブ演奏と共に響き合い、私たちの目と耳を惹きつけました。



The September Monthly Meeting

September 25, 2022 (Sunday)        Venue: Densho Hall, Shibuya Cultural Center Owada

We held our first regular meeting for this term. The demonstrations by the Iemoto Designate of SHOFU School of Ikebana, Mr. Oshun Tsukagoshi captivated the audience, and jazz musicians, Mr. Tamashii Goto (piano), Mr. Goro Katano (bass), and Mr. Tetsuro Hayashi (sax), colored the three demonstrations with their improvisation. After that Mme. Anna Högberg, the spouse of Swedish Ambassador, joined the performance with her beautiful voice.

The collaboration between ikebana demonstration and performance of jazz music on stage attracted the attendees and received many compliments.






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