October Monthly Meeting / 10月例会 2022
Sakura tree planting ceremony
October 12, 2022 (Wednesday)
Venue: (in the morning): The official residence of Indian Ambassador
It was held to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the independence of India and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and India. In the presence of H.I.H. Princess Takamado, Honorary President of Ikebana International, His Excellency Mr. Sanjay Kumar Verma, Ambassador of India, Mme. Gunjan Verma, the spouse of Ambassador, Mrs. Yuko Kishida, the spouse of the Prime Minister, and Dr. Yuko Hayashi, the spouse of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, we planted a Sakura tree called Kanzan. This tree planting also used funds from the Green Campaign. As a proof of the friendship between Japan and India, I hope that it will take root and grow into splendid flowers.
植樹祭 インド独立75周年・日印国交樹立70周年記念
会場: (午前)インド大使公邸(新宿区西早稲田)
いけばなインターナショナル名誉総裁 高円宮妃久子殿下ご臨席の下、サンジェイ・クマール・ヴァルマ大使閣下、グンジャン・ヴァルマ大使夫人、内閣総理大臣夫人 岸田裕子様、外務大臣夫人 林裕子様のご出席を賜わり、関山(カンザン)という八重桜を植樹いたしました。この植樹は「グリーンキャンペーン」の資金を使いました。日本とインドの友好の証として、根をはり立派に成長し見事な花を咲かせてくれることを願います。
The October Monthly Meeting
October 12, 2022 (Wednesday)
Venue: (in the afternoon): The Auditorium of the Embassy of India
The theme of the ikebana demonstration by Ms. Hakuyo Abiru, Assistant Professor of the Council of the Ohara Professors of Ohara School, was ‘Sparkling Autumn Breeze’ and a gorgeous and calm ikebana work was completed.
会場: (午後)インド大使館講堂(千代田区九段南)
- インド大使公邸にて
- インド大使公邸にて記念植樹
- インド大使館にて
- デモンストレーション風景