いけばなインターナショナルフェア 2023
December 12, 2023(Tuesday) 2023年12月12日(火)
Venue:: ROYAL PARK HOTEL(Suitengu) ロイヤルパークホテル(水天宮)
With the presence of Ikebana International Honorary President, Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado, Ms. Yuko Kishida, the spouse of the prime minister, Ms. Yuko Hayashi, the spouse of Chief Cabinet Secretary, Ambassadors, spouses of ambassadors, and ikebana iemotos attended the opening ceremony. It was held with a congratulatory address from the Governor of Tokyo, Ms. Yuriko Koike.
The Fair Chairperson, Mme. Nuning AKHMADI, spouse of the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, took on the role of chairperson of the Fair 2023. The members and the visitors enjoyed the exhibition of ikebana by thirty-two ikebana iemotos and a bazaar with the cooperation of forty embassies, as well as the entertainment and a raffle draw held on stage.
The proceeds from the embassy bazaar will be donated to the areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake on the Gala Luncheon to be held on June 3, 2024. For the raffle prizes, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the companies, embassies, ikebana schools, and members who have provided us with many attractive prizes, including Okinawa pair accommodation tickets with air tickets.
The fair is a good opportunity to spread beauty of Ikebana to the world as well as to get to know the culture of each country through the bazaar supported by embassies.
いけばなインターナショナル名誉総裁 高円宮妃久子殿下の御臨席のもと、内閣総理大臣夫人 岸田裕子様、官房長官夫人 林裕子様、各国大使、大使夫人、いけばな各流派お家元がご出席になり、また東京都知事 小池百合子様からの祝辞をいただきオープニングセレモニーが行われました。
駐日インドネシア共和国大使夫人、ヌニン アフマディ様がフェア委員長をお引き受けくださり、32流派のいけばなのお家元によるいけばなの展示、40の大使館のご協力によるバザーが準備されました。大使館ブースでの皆様のお買い物の収益金は、2024年6月3日 ホテルニューオータニでの昼食会に於いて、自然災害の被災地に義援金として贈呈致します。

⬇️ Click the URL below for the Fashion Show video
⬇️ 下記のURLをクリックしてインドネシア・ファッションショーのビデオをご覧ください。
Video by Mr. Baswara Mursyid: Courtesy of Indonesian Embassy