投稿者: brentmoore

Special Program January 2022 特別プログラム 2022年1月

January Special Program

Ikebana International Tokyo Founding Chapter Special Program “The bond between India and Japan through flowers” was held at the embassy of India on Thursday, January 20th.

By the direction of Mme. Gunjan Verma, the spouse of ambassador of India, 26 sarees are shown at the fashion show with bouquets which were made by TFC members.  H.E. Ambassador of India, Mr. Sanjay Kumar Verma, Mme. Gunjan Verma, Mrs. Yuko Hayashi, the spouse of minister of foreign affairs, Junko Katano, the president of Tokyo Founding Chapter gave speeches.

We celebrated the confluence of Japanese and Indian tradition through Ikebana and Saree.





Cancellation of February Monthly Meeting 2022年2月例会中止について

Cancellation of February Monthly Meeting

2022年 2月例会中止について

I wish you a happy new year full of happiness and good health.

Ikebana International Fair 2021 on December 14th last year ended successfully with about 1500 visitors, but no coronavirus-infection has been reported. We also received the donation from the embassies for 1,102,180 JPY. We are grateful to all of you for your cooperation. A video of the Fair’s ribbon-cutting ceremony and a link to the YouTube of the ikebana exhibition by Iemotos have been posted on TFC’s website. Please take a look at it.

We would like to inform you that February Monthly Meeting scheduled to be held at Sogetsu Hall on February 9th by Ms. Junga Shinozaki, Master Instructor of Sogetsu Headquarters, has been cancelled due to the spread of coronavirus infection, considering everyone’s health and safety. We sincerely apologize to Sogetsu School for their preparations.

The date, venue and method for Ikebana Exhibition by Members for March may be changed observing the spread of coronavirus infection from now on. We will inform you as soon as possible.
I pray that we can get back to our normal lives and see each other very soon.

TFC President  Junko Katano


昨年 12 月 14 日のいけばなインターナショナルフェア 2021 は、約 1500 名の来場者がありましたが、 コロナ感染者も出さず無事に終了しました。また、大使館のバザーの収益金として 1,102,180 円をい ただきましたことをご報告いたします。これも、ひとえに皆様のご協力のおかげと感謝しております。 フェアのテープカットの動画、お家元の花展の YouTube 配信のリンクを、東京支部ホームページ、 Members ページに記載しております。どうぞご覧ください(https://ikebanatokyo.or.jp)

2 月例会は、2 月 9 日草月ホールにて、草月流本部講師の篠崎洵雅先生によるデモンストレーション を予定しておりましたが、コロナ感染拡大が再び始まっており、皆様の健康と安全を考えて中止する ことといたしました。ご準備を進めてくださっていた草月流には、心よりお詫び申し上げます。3 月 の会員による花展ですが、今後のコロナ感染拡大状況をみながら、開催日時、場所や方法の変更が 予想されます。改めてご連絡いたします。

東京支部長 片野 順子

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