投稿者: brentmoore

お知らせ Donation Ceremony on TV program 義援金贈呈式のテレビ放映予定

The donation ceremony held on June 14 in the presence of Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado will be televised as follows.

Sunday, July 16, from 5:45 a.m.

Fuji Television Network, Inc.  “Koushitsu Goikka (Imperial Family)”







June Gala Luncheon / 義援金贈呈式と昼食会

June Gala Luncheon 

The donation ceremony was held on Thursday, June 2nd at Hotel New Otani, Fuyo no Ma with the presence of H.I.H. Princess Takamado, the Governor of Tokyo Metropolitan, Ms. Yuriko Koike, the spouse of the Prime Minister, Mrs. Yuko Kishida, His excellency, spouses of ambassadors and TFC members and friends.

Mrs. Maria de Fatima Xavier, the spouse of Ambassador of Angola and the Chairperson of Ikebana International Fair 2021, handed the catalog of the donation to the Governor of Tokyo Metropolitan as the donation for the Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health Agency of Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Chairperson of NPO Japan Kodomo-Shokudo Support Center “MUSUBIE” which supports the meals for children.

Following that, Ikebana Demonstration was given by Ms. Senko Ikenobo, the Headmaster Designate of Ikenobo.  The works with the theme “Wishing Peace in the world” were full of dignity and beauty and gave us hope for tomorrow.



「いけばなインターナショナルフェア 2021」での大使館バザーの収益金目録を、フェア委員長のアンゴラ大使夫人、マリア デ ファティマ様から、東京都福祉保健局「守ろう東京・新型コロナ対策医療支援 寄附金」として東京都知事に、子供食堂を運営している認定NPO法人 全国こども食堂支援センター・むすびえの理事長に授与されました。


May Monthly Meeting 2022 / 5月例会 2022

May Monthly Meeting

On Wednesday, May 18th, Ikebana Demonstration was given by Mr. Naohiro Kasuya, Headmaster of Ichiyo School of Ikebana at The International House of Japan Iwasaki Koyata Memorial Hall.

The theme is “Arranging the wind of early summer” and he showed the dynamic and splendid works connecting the inside and outside of the venue.




June Gala Luncheon 2022 / 義援金贈呈式と昼食会のお知らせ 2022

Tokyo Founding Chapter June Gala Luncheon

The greenery season arrived.  The last program of 2021-2022 is coming soon.

The donation from Ikebana International Fair 2021 went to the Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health Agency of Tokyo Metropolitan Government and NPO “Musubie” which supports the meals for children.  We will do the donation ceremony on Thursday, June 2nd at Hotel New Otani, Fuyo no Ma with the presence of H.I.H. Princess Takamado.

Following the ceremony, Ikebana Demonstration will be given by  Ms. Senko Ikenobo, the Headmaster Designate of Ikenobo.  The theme is “Wishing Peace in the world”.  We will strictly follow Covid-19 infection prevention measures by limiting the number of seats. Depending on the spread, the meeting may be cancelled.  In that case we will inform you on our website: https://ikebanatokyo.or.jp.

I would appreciate your understanding.

Date:      Thursday, June 2nd, 2022
Time:     11:00 ~ 15:00 (10:30 Door opens)
Place:     Hotel New Otani  Fuyo no Ma
4-1, Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8578

TEL: +81-3-3265-1111  FAX: +81-3-3221-2619

Akasaka-mitsuke Stn.
Subway Ginza ine・Marui Line
Exit D (3 min)
Nagatacho Stn.
Subway Hanzomon Line・Namboku Line
Exit #7 (3 min)
Kojimachi Stn.
Subway Yurakucho Line
Exit #2 (6 min)
Yotsuya Stn.
JR Chuo / Sobu Line
Subway Marunouchi Line・Nanboku Line
Kojimachi or Akasaka Exit (8 min)

Fee:   TFC Member  JPY16,000     Other Chapter Member  JPY16,500    Guest  JPY17,000

* Please indicate on the communication column of the payment slip if you have any dietary restrictions.

Reservation & Payment deadline: Wednesday, May 25th
Please note that a refund is not possible after the deadline.

For your reservation and payment, please complete the correspondence column and other necessary information on the enclosed payment slip and pay fee(s) into the TFC’s account at Yucho Bank.  Please give your mobile number which can be accessed on the payment slip for emergency contact.  Your receipt is your confirmation, so please bring it to the meeting.  Please be aware the fee is not refundable in case of unavoidable cancellation of the Meeting due to emergency.

Payment information for TFC’s account at Yucho Bank (Post Office):
Ikebana International Tokyo Founding Chapter Account 00160-7-633276

FAX Reply Sheet (Fax No. 03-5283-3199)



Tel:                                                 Fax:


* Please indicate if you have any dietary restrictions.

Ikebana International Tokyo Founding Chapter
5F Misaki Bldg. 3-28-9 Kanda Ogawamachi
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0052
Tel: 03-3295-0720  Fax: 03-5283-3199



それに先立ち、「いけばなインターナショナルフェア2021」での大使館バザーでの収益金を東京都福祉保健局「守ろう東京・新型コロナ対策医療 支援寄附金」と東京都推薦のNPOで子供食堂を運営している「むすびえ」に寄附いたしました。その贈呈式を行う予定です。


日時:2022年6月2日(木) 11:00-15:00  (10:30 開場)
場所:ホテルニューオータニ 芙蓉の間

JR 中央線・総武線
東京メトロ 丸ノ内線 南北線

会費: 東京支部会員16,000円    他支部会員 16,500円     ゲスト(非会員)    17,000円


必ず振込でのお支払いをお願い致します。 同封いたしました払込取扱票の通信欄に必要事項をご記入の上、ゆうちょ銀行の口座にお振り込み下さい。緊急時対応のため、連絡がつくお電話番号を必ずご記入下さい。振り込みをもってお申し込みとなります。お手数ですが振込受領書を当日お持ち下さい。また、緊急事態発生により例会を中止せざるを得なくなった場合はご返金できませんことをご了承ください。

郵便振替  いけばなインターナショナル東京支部  口座番号00160-7-633276
※銀行からのお振込みも可能です。ゆうちょ銀行 〇一九(ゼロイチキュウ)店 当座0633276

・申し込み、お支払い期限:    5月25日(水)

FAX Reply Sheet (Fax No. 03-5283-3199)



お電話番号:                              ファックス番号:                メールアドレス:

6月ガラランチョンに出席します。         (       )


〒101-0052 千代田区神田小川町3-28-9三東ビル5F
TEL 03-3295-0720 Fax.03-5283-3199

April Monthly Meeting 2022 / 4月例会 2022

April Monthly Meeting

On April 20th, the Ikebana International Tokyo Founding Chapter held the April Monthly Meeting at Densho Hall  Shibuya-ku Cultural Center Owada.

The theme was the collaboration of Ikebana and Noh play.  The Ikebana demonstration was given by Mr. Kosen Ohtsubo, Ryuseiha and the Noh was performed by Mr. Takao Yamauchi, Hoshoryu Noh actor.  After the Rikka style Ikebana demonstration, the presentation of Noh in general and Noh Music were given, then “Hajitomi (The Wicket Gate)” was performed.  It was a very exciting collaboration while learning Ikebana and Noh.




Ikebana Exhibition by TFC Members March 2022/会員によるいけばな展 2022年3月

The 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between
Japan and Pakistan
Sakura Tree Planting Ceremony and
Ikebana Exhibition by TFC Members

The Sakura planting and Ikebana exhibition was streamed on YouTube.  Please enjoy it.








Ikebana Exhibition by TFC Members

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Pakistan, Ikebana Exhibition by TFC Members will be held at the Embassy of Pakistan.  We hope that this will be a good opportunity to deepen the ties between Pakistan and Japan and to expand exchanges with many people through Ikebana.  At the Ikebana Exhibition, each work will be streamed on YouTube at a later date. Depending on the situation of the spread of Coronavirus infection, the Ikebana Exhibition may be held unattended.  In that case, we will inform you on our website, so please be sure to check it.

Date: Monday, March 28th, 2022  11:30-15:30 Open to public 

You cannot enter the venue before 11:30.  

Venue: Embassy of Pakistan  4-6-17, Minamiazabu, Minato-ku

Organized by Ikebana International Tokyo Founding Chapter/Embassy of Pakistan



日時:2022年3月28日(月) 11:30-15:30 一般公開  


会場:駐日パキスタン大使館  東京都港区南麻布4-6-17


Coming-of-age Ceremony 2022 / 成人式 2022

The Coming-of-age Ceremony 2022

TFC created and presented bouquets to 26 new adults of the Youth Welfare Center for the coming-of-age ceremony.

Despite the restricted activities due to COVID-19, we were pleased to celebrate the ‘new adults’ with bouquets for their ceremony.

成人式 2022



Ikebana Exhibition by TFC Members March 2022/会員によるいけばな展 2022年3月

The 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between
Japan and Pakistan
Sakura Tree Planting Ceremony and
Ikebana Exhibition by TFC Members

On March 28th, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Pakistan, Sakura Tree Planting Ceremony and Ikebana Exhibition by TFC Members were held at the Embassy of Pakistan with the presence of HIH Princess Takamado.  It became a good opportunity to deepen the ties between Pakistan and Japan and to expand exchanges with many people through Ikebana exhibition by TFC members.
The Sakura planting and Ikebana exhibition will be streamed on YouTube very soon.





April Monthly Meeting 2022 / 4月例会 2022

April Monthly Meeting

We are very sorry that we had to cancel the February Meeting in consideration of your health and safety in the current situation of the Coronavirus spread.  We sincerely hope that you take good care of yourself.  Wishing the situation is getting better, we will hold the April Monthly Meeting, the Collaboration of Ikebana and Noh play.  The Ikebana demonstration will be given by Mr. Kosen Ohtsubo, Ryuseiha. The Noh will be performed by Mr. Takao Yamauchi, Hoshoryu Noh actor.  After the demonstration of Ikebana, the presentation of Noh in general and Noh Music will be given, then, “Hajitomi (The Wicket Gate)” will be performed.  Please join us for this monthly meeting. Depending on the spread of Covid-19, the meeting may be cancelled or the place may be changed.  In that case we will inform you on our website: https://ikebanatokyo.or.jp.  I would appreciate your understanding.

Date:​ Wednesday, April 20th  
          1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.

(12:00 Reception desk opens.)  

Place:​ Densho Hall Shibuyaku Cultural Center Owada  23-21, Sakuragaoka, Shibuya-ku 

5-min. walk from JR Shibuya Station West exit

*Ikebana Demonstration by Mr. Kosen Ohtsubo, Designated advisory teacher

*Noh presentation by Mr. Takao Yamauchi , Noh actor of Hoshoryu, and other actors and Noh musicians

Theme: Collaboration of Ikebana and Noh play, Hajitomi    (The Wicket Gate)”

Fee:TFC Member​​  JPY4,000

Other Chapter Member​  JPY4,500

Guest​​​  JPY4,900

Reservation & Payment Deadline: Wednesday, April 13

Cancellation Deadline: Friday, April 15

Please note that a refund is not possible after the cancelation deadline.

TFC Members:

Payment information for TFC’s account at Yucho Bank (Japan Post Bank):

For your reservation and payment, please complete the correspondence column and other necessary information on the payment slip which we sent you before and pay fee(s) into the TFC’s account at Yucho Bank.  Please give your mobile number which can be accessed on the payment slip for emergency contact. Your receipt is your confirmation, so please bring it to the meeting. Please be aware the fee is not refundable in case of unavoidable cancellation of the Meeting due to emergency.


Please contact to TFC office (Monday, Wednesday and Friday 11:00~15:00)

Ikebana International Tokyo Founding Chapter

 5F, Misaki Bldg., 3-28-9 Kanda Ogawamachi,​ ​Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0052  ​​    

Tel: 03-3295-0720   Fax: 03-5283-3199





午後1 3時30分 (1200分受付)



JR渋谷駅 西口より徒歩5分

* 龍生派 家元顧問教授、大坪光泉先生によるいけばな デモンストレーション 

* 宝生流 能シテ方 山内崇生様による能のプレゼン テーション、能楽の紹介



会費:東京支部会員​ 4,000

他支部会員​ 4,500

ゲスト(非会員)​ 4,900












101-0052 千代田区神田小川町3-28-9三東(みさき)ビル5F

Tel.03-3295-0720 Fax.03-5283-3199

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