カテゴリー: Fair


The annual Ikebana International Fair was held on Wednesday, December 19, 2018 at Royal Park Hotel (Nihonbashi), under the auspices of Fair Chairperson Madam Matelda Starace, the wife of the Ambassador of Italy. A main feature was 35 ikebana arrangements by ikebana iemotos. The Royal Hall was filled with participants and guests from all over Japan visiting and enjoying embassy booths and international table of 27 embassies, and booths of I.I. HQs, domestic chapters and Tokyo Founding Chapter as well as participating shops. On the second floor, the Italian wine tasting was enjoyed by the participants. This year, the entertainment was the jewelry show by D’ELIA Company. At the beginning of the entertainment, Ms. Fujiko Hirai sang a song (piano by Ms. Reiko Sugimoto), and following that, the ambassadresses wearing the national costume appeared as models.
At the Ikebana International New Year Luncheon on January 16, 2019, hosted by Ikebana International Headquarters, the proceeds from the international booths and international table were donated to Hokkaido and Hiroshima which had been affected by the earthquake and heavy rain disasters in 2018. Mme. Matelda Starace, the wife of Italian Ambassador presented the donation amounting to 707,000 JPY each to Mr. Keiji Abe, the vice governor of Hokkaido and Mr. Masahiko Tanabe, the vice governor of Hiroshima who attended the donation ceremony. Also, Ms. Misako Ishii presented the donation to the Japan Times and Japan National Students Association at this occasion.

今年も恒例のいけばなインターナショナルフェアが12月19日(水)ロイヤルパークホテルで開催されました。今年度のフェア委員長は、イタリア大使夫人 マテルダ・スタレーチェ様が務められました。



各国大使館からの収益金は、1月16日、いけばなインターナショナルの新年会の贈呈式にて、広島県副知事 田邊昌彦様と北海道副知事 阿部啓二様に、それぞれ70万7千円が贈られました。また、石井支部長からジャパンタイムズと日本学生協会基金に寄付金が手渡されました。

Date: Wednesday, December 19, 2018, 11:30~15:30

場所:ロイヤルパークホテル 3F
Place: Royal Park Hotel 3F

地下鉄半蔵門線 水天宮前駅直結

Access: 2-1-1,Nihonbashikakigara,Chuo-ku,Tokyo
Subway: Suitengumae Station (Hanzomon line)

Tel: 03-3667-1111


The annual Ikebana International Fair was held on Monday, December 4, 2017 at Royal Park Hotel (Nihonbashi), under the auspices of Fair Chairperson Madam Rahel Zewdie Sleeuwagen, wife of the ambassador of Belgium. A main feature was 37 ikebana arrangements by ikebana iemotos. The Royal Hall was filled with participants and guests from all over Japan visiting and enjoying international booths of 24 embassies, and booths of domestic chapters and Tokyo Founding Chapter as well as participating shops.
This year, we introduced a special entertainment, World Tea/Coffee Ceremonies featuring Arabian Coffee, Ethiopian Coffee, and Japanese Tea, and there was a European style table setting presentation and a traditional Kimono Dressing show of Japanese bridal costume and Juni-hitoe (twelve-layered ceremonial kimono). The entertainment was a piano concert by Ms. Ayako Morita and Ethiopian dancing by the Moka Ethiopia dance group.
At the Ikebana International New Year Luncheon on January 18, 2018 hosted by Ikebana International Headquarters, the proceeds from the international booths and international table were donated to people affected by the heavy rain disaster in northern Kyushu in July 2017, the donation accepted by Mr. Hiroshi Ogawa, governor of Fukuoka Prefecture, who attended the donation ceremony.

恒例のいけばなインターナショナルフェアが、2017年12月4日(月)、ロイヤルパークホテル(日本橋)で開催されました。今年度のフェア委員長は、ベルギー大使夫人 ラヘル・ゼウディ様が務められました。日本を代表する37のいけばなの家元作品が展示されました。ロイヤルホールは、24ヶ国の大使夫人によるインターナショナルブース、各国大使館のご協力によるインターナショナルテーブル、東京支部会員による手工芸品の販売、いけばなインターナショナル国内支部のブース、そして多種多様の店舗で賑わいました。日本のお抹茶以外に、カタール大使夫人によるアラビアコーヒーセレモニー、エチオピア大使夫人によるエチオピアコーヒーセレモニー、イエメン大使夫人による水の儀式、ヨーロッパスタイルのテーブルセッティングのプレゼンテーション、12単衣、花嫁衣装など、日本の伝統的な着物の着付け等のエンターテインメントも開催いたしました。また、エンターテインメントでは、守田絢子様によるピアノコンサート、モカ・エチオピアダンスグループによる、エチオピアダンスも披露されました。


The annual I.I.Fair was held at Royal Park Hotel on Monday December 5, under the auspices of Fair Chairperson Cristina Escala, wife of the Ambassador of Peru. Thirty five Ikebana works by Japanese representative school Iemotos were exhibited. The venue, Royal Hall, was occupied by the international booths which twenty three Ambassadors spouses, the I.I. Headquarters, domestic Chapters, and many kinds of enterprises held. We had an entertainment of the Peruvian Folk Dance and Music, followed by the raffle. Towards 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, 「KIMONO PROJECT」 is to express 196 countries with Kimono and Obi (Sash worn with a kimono ). This time, at the fair, Kimono and Obi having a design of Peru’s world heritage was exhibited in the lobby. Finally, the proceeds of the international booth went to the people who were affected by Kumamoto earthquake.

今年も恒例のいけばなインターナショナルフェアが12月5日(月)ロイヤルパークホテルで開催されました。今年度のフェア委員長は駐日ペルー共和国大使夫人クリスティーナ、エスカラ様が務められました。日本を代表する35のいけばなの家元作品が展示されました。ロイヤルホールは、23ヶ国の大使夫人によるインターナショナルブース、いけばなインターナショナル本部、国内支部、そして多種多様の店舗で賑わいました。 ペルーのフォークダンスと音楽に続いて、ワッフルの抽選会が行われました。2020年東京オリンピック、パラリンピックに向けて、196ヶ国を着物と帯で表現する「KIMONO PROJECT」が企画されています。その中でペルーの世界遺産を図案として織り込んだ着物と帯がロビーに展示されました。尚、インターナショナルのブースの収益は、熊本地震の被災者の方々に寄付されました。


The annual I.I. Fair was held at Tokyo Prince Hotel on Monday, December 7. H.I.H. Princess Takamado, Ikebana International Honorary President, honored us with her presence at the Fair. Madam Dewi L.lhza Mahendra, the wife of the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Japan, was Fair 2015 Chairperson, and Ms.Tamaki Morii was Coordinator. Iemotos of 35 Ikebana schools participated to display Ikebana Exhibition. The embassies of 25 countries, 3 domestic chapters and 4 charitable organizations also participated. There were 26 various shops and TFC member’s booths. The proceeds from embassies booths will be donated to UNICEF and Oxfam.
In the afternoon, participants enjoyed the raffle and the entertainment with traditional Indonesian dance.

恒例のI.I.フェアは、I.I.名誉総裁高円宮妃久子殿下の御臨席を賜り,12月7日[月]に東京プリンスホテルで開催されました。デビイ ルシアナ イーサ マヘンドラ駐日インドネシア共和国大使夫人をフェア委員長にお迎えして、森井環コーディネータのもと、35流派のお家元による花展、25か国の大使館、3国内支部、4福祉団体などのバザー、バラエテーに富んだ26の出店、会員による手作りのコーナーなどで華やかな会場となりました。大使館の売上はオックスファムジャパンとユにセフに寄付されます。


Under a winter sky, Fair 2014 was opened to the warm welcome of large numbers of guests. H.I.H. Princess Takamado honored us with her presence. One of the Fair’s purposes is to aid UNICEF gather donations for the needy worldwide.
Mme. Maali Siam, the wife of Ambassador of Palestine, provided energy for the success of the Fair as the Chairperson.
A number of traditional Palestinian fashions were shown during dances and a fashion show as part of the entertainment. In Magnolia Hall, works by Iemotos of 34 different schools were exhibited, while in ‘Ho-Oh-No-Ma’ a bazaar was held including booths from over 30 different embassies and many domestic vendors. Guests had great fun enjoying shopping and raffles.



Ikebana International Fair 2013 was held at the Tokyo Prince Hotel on the rainy December 10th. Every participant enjoyed this event including ikebana exhibition by 35 Iemotos of ikebana school, shopping at 20 Embassy booths, performance of Swiss music and exciting raffle lottery.



The annual I.I. Fair was held at Tokyo Prince Hotel on Thursday, December 6, under the auspices of Fair Chairperson Mme.Karine Liebaut, wife of the Ambassador of Kingdomm of Belgium.In the Magnolia hall, the marvelous Ikebana works by Japanese representative school Iemotos were exhibited, and in the Ho-O-no-ma, the bazaar, that had a variety of booths, was held by the ambassador wives, the I.I. domestic Chapters and many kinds of enterprises.



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