
October Monthly Meeting / 10月例会 2021

On Friday October 1st, thanks to the spouse of Ambassador of Angola, Mme. Maria de Fatima Xavier, October Monthly Meeting was held at the Embassy of the republic of Angola. The Ikebana demonstration was given by Mr. Rijo Miyamoto, Iemoto Designate, Koryu Toyokai Suibokukatemae and Mr. Gaso Sawai, Iemoto Designate, Ikuseiryu on the theme of “To the Future – Challenge of the Next Generation”. Mr. Miyamoto explained Ikebana with using a projector and showing the real demonstration. Mr. Sawai demonstrated with the music of Ms. Yuki Yan. It was a great chance to know the possibility for future ikebana demonstration.

古流東洋会水墨花点前 副家元 宮本理城先生は、プロジェクターを使い説明しながら、実際のいけ方を教えてくださいました。郁生流 次期家元 澤井雅総先生は、ヤンゆきさんの音楽演奏とともにいけられました。お二人のデモンストレーションは、今後のいけばなのデモンストレーションの可能性を知る良い機会となりました

September Monthly Meeting / 9月例会 2021

Thanks to the spouse of Italian Ambassador, Mme. Matelda Starace, September Monthly Meeting was held at the official residence of Italian Ambassador with the Ikebana demonstration by Mr. Akihiro Nishi, the Associate Professor of the Council of Ohara Professors on Wednesday, September 15th. The theme of the demonstration was, “Flowers for celebrating the harvest moon” and Mr. Nishi gave a wonderful demonstration against the background of the embassy garden.


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日時: 2021年4月28日(水)配信

Charity Virtual Ikebana Exhibition by TFC Members 

-With power of Ikebana

We pray for your health and safety under the Corona crisis. We planned the charity virtual ikebana exhibition by TFC members to become healing of you. We will make a slideshow from each photograph of the work and we upload it on YouTube and the TFC website.

We are convinced that it will be a good opportunity to spread our friendship to the people in the world who are interested in Ikebana as well as TFC members. We also plan to donate a part of the exhibition fee to the healthcare workers in Tokyo. 

Time/Date of the streaming: Wednesday, April 28th 

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