



日時: 2021年4月28日(水)配信

Charity Virtual Ikebana Exhibition by TFC Members 

-With power of Ikebana

We pray for your health and safety under the Corona crisis. We planned the charity virtual ikebana exhibition by TFC members to become healing of you. We will make a slideshow from each photograph of the work and we upload it on YouTube and the TFC website.

We are convinced that it will be a good opportunity to spread our friendship to the people in the world who are interested in Ikebana as well as TFC members. We also plan to donate a part of the exhibition fee to the healthcare workers in Tokyo. 

Time/Date of the streaming: Wednesday, April 28th 

Notice to cancel TFC February Monthly Meeting and Ikebana Exhibition by TFC members in March

Notice to cancel TFC February Monthly Meeting and Ikebana Exhibition by TFC members in March


支部長 片野 順子

Ikebana International Tokyo Founding Chapter decided to cancel the February Monthly Meeting to be held on Wednesday, February 17th at Embassy of Republic of Angola and Ikebana Exhibition by TFC members on Tuesday, March 30th at KKR Hotel Tokyo in consideration of the health and safety of the participants under the current situation of the spread of the COVID 19 and the emergency state of declaration by the government.
We may consider postponing the events depending on the situation of the pandemic.
I appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Please take care and stay safe.


Junko Katano
Ikebana International Tokyo Founding Chapter

Novemberr Monthly Meeting / 11月例会

T.F.C. November Monthly Meeting


Tokyo Founding Chapter November Monthly Meeting

Date: Wednesday November 12:30 p.m.~ 14:30 p.m.
Place: Embassy of the Russian Federation in Japan
Ikebana Demonstration by TFC members
Theme: Friendship through flowers
Through the courtesy of H.E. Mr. Ambassador and the spouse of Ambassador of Russia, Ikebana International Tokyo Founding Chapter November monthly meeting was held at the embassy of the Russia Federation in Japan.
The Demonstrators are as follows:

  1. Mme. Marina Galuzina (Embassy of Russia)
    Mme. Amira Bencherif (Embassy of Algeria)
    Ms. Tokue Yamaguchi (Sogetsu School)
    Ms. Tamiko Tamura (Kadouiemoto Ikenobo)
  2. Mr. Gaso Sawai (Iemoto designate of Ikusei School)
  3. Mme. Yasuko Yanagihara Mohabbat (Embassy of Afghanistan)
    Mme. Houda Elloumi (Embassy of Tunisia)
    Mr. Hajime Takahashi (Sogetsu School)
    Ms. Miwako Tsuchiya (Hachidai Koryu School)
  4. Ms. Shoei Fujisawa (Iemoto of Sousho School)

We prepared the program while taking various preventive measures against new coronavirus infection carefully. The program was a great success to connect people through flowers.


午後12時30分 –14時30分
* TFC会員による いけばなデモンストレーション
テーマ  花を通じての友好

  1. Mme. Marina Galuzina (ロシア大使夫人)
    Mme. Amira Bencherif (アルジェリア大使夫人)
    山口とくえ様 (草月流)
    田村 民子様(華道家元池坊)
  2. 澤井雅総様 (郁生流次期家元)
  3. Mme. Yasuko Mohabbat (アフガニスタン大使夫人)
    Mme. Houda Elloumi (チュニジア大使夫人)
    高橋一様 (草月流)
    土屋美和子様 (八代古流)
  4. 藤澤照瑛様 (草照流家元)


October Monthly Meeting / 10月例会

T.F.C. October Monthly Meeting


October Monthly Meeting

Date: Friday, October 23rd, 2020
Place: The official residence of the Italian Ambassador
Ikebana Demonstration by Ms. Rishi Otsuka, iemoto of Koryu Katabamikai and Mr. Riko Otsuka,iemoto designate of Kkoryu Katabamikai.
Theme: Movement of Autumn

Through the courtesy of the spouse of Ambassador of Italy, Ikebana International Tokyo Founding Chapter October monthly meeting was held at the official residence of the Italian Ambassador in Tokyo.
We prepared the program while taking various preventive measures against new coronavirus infection carefully.
Mr. Rishi Otsuka and Mr. Riko Otsuka demonstrated the traditional Koryu style ikebana and free style arrangement. Also they exhibited several pieces in the residence and in the garden.

Sumie Presentation was done by Ms. Suiko Ohta (Japanese painting artist) at the dining room.





Link of the demonstration by Rishi Otsuka and Riko Otsuka at the official residence of Italian Ambassador

[Results] September Monthly Meeting / 9月例会

T.F.C. September Monthly Meeting


September Monthly Meeting
Date: Wednesday, September 16th, 2020
Place: Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman- Tokyo
Ikebana Demonstration by Ms. Suikei Sakaguchi
Master Instructor of the Sogetsu Headquarters
Theme: “Flower power for the future”

Through the courtesy of the spouse of Ambassador of Sultanate of Oman, Ikebana International Tokyo Founding Chapter September monthly meeting was held at the embassy of the Sultanate of Oman in Tokyo.
We prepared the program while taking various preventive measures against new coronavirus infection carefully.
Ms. Suikei Sakaguchi demonstrated five works in the morning and afternoon.
One of them was presented to the Ambassador’s residence.

デモンストレーション:坂口水恵先生 草月流本部講師


Notice of cancellation of May Monthly Meeting and June Gala Lunch on

Notice of cancellation of May Monthly Meeting and June Gala Lunch on


Notice of cancellation of May Monthly Meeting and June Gala Lunch on

We planned to hold the May Monthly Meeting on Thursday, May 14th at International House of Japan and June Gala lunch on June 15th at Meijikinenkan. However, considering the risks to the public health due to the continuing spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have now decided to cancel the May and June Meeting.

Though we planned to hold the AGM on May 14th at International House of Japan, as we would like to avoid the gathering of many people, we will cancel the meeting at International House of Japan. Instead, we will ask you to send the proxy by postal mail. In case we may close the TFC office due to the request of the Japanese Government and Tokyo Metropolitan Government, we will not be able to send the postal mail. Please check TFC’s website ( on a regular basis.

As unpredictable things have been happening in the spread of coronavirus infection in the world, we are struggling to cope with this situation. I pray that the safe days come back as soon as possible and we can see each other very soon.




今後、国、東京都の要請を受けましてオフィスを閉鎖する 可能性もございますので、メーリングが困難な状況も予想されます。是非、ホームページ(を定期的にチェックしていただけますようお願いいたします。


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