タグ: 2016-2017


Ikebana Exhibition

TFC members’ Ikebana Exhibition was held at the Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar in Japan on March 3. 2017. 61 TFC members participated in this event. The Ikebana International President Junko Katano and Ms. Yuko Kishida visited this exhibition. The ribbon cutting ceremony was conducted by Ms. Rosette Lalatiana RASOAMANARIVO, Ms. Yuko Kishida and TFC President Ms. Noriko Kira to celebrate the opening of the Exhibition.
Many guests visited the Embassy and enjoyed the Ikebana Exhibition. The visitors also enjoyed shopping various indigenous products of Madagascar such as Vanilla Sticks and handicrafts.
The success of this exhibition owes much to Ms. Rosette Lalatiana RASOAMANARIVO, Charge d’ Affaires of Madagascar Embassy devoted cooperation.


TFC会員によるいけばな展が3月3日に、ラソアマナリヴォ ロゼット ララティアナ代理大使の御計らいで、マダカスカル大使館で開催されました。TFC会員61名が参加しました。片野順子いけばなインターナショナル会長及び、岸田裕子外務大臣夫人が来賓されました。ラソアマナリヴォ ロゼット ララティアナ、マダカスカル代理大使、岸田裕子外務大臣夫人、吉良紀子東京支部長によりテープカットがされました。
沢山のゲストの皆様に大使館にお越し頂き、多くのいけばなを御覧頂きました。また、マダカスカル産のバニラビーンズやハンディークラフトグッズのお買い物を楽しまれました。いけばな展は、ラソアマナリヴォ ロゼット ララティアナ代理大使の御厚意により、成功裡に終わりました。

Coming-of-age ceremony by the youth’welfare center 2017


The Coming-of-age Ceremony by the Youth’Welfare Center was held on January 14, 2017 at the Hotel Lungwood in Nippori. The TFC president and project members were invited to the Celebration Party.
TFC presented bouquet flowers to the youths every year. Then the president of TFC received a letter of appreciation for that achievement.
Each of the 16 youths voiced their thanks to the people who had helped them throughout the years as well as expressing their future ambitions.
In the second half of the ceremony, a video made by the youths introducing themselves was filled with words of gratitude.



The annual I.I.Fair was held at Royal Park Hotel on Monday December 5, under the auspices of Fair Chairperson Cristina Escala, wife of the Ambassador of Peru. Thirty five Ikebana works by Japanese representative school Iemotos were exhibited. The venue, Royal Hall, was occupied by the international booths which twenty three Ambassadors spouses, the I.I. Headquarters, domestic Chapters, and many kinds of enterprises held. We had an entertainment of the Peruvian Folk Dance and Music, followed by the raffle. Towards 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, 「KIMONO PROJECT」 is to express 196 countries with Kimono and Obi (Sash worn with a kimono ). This time, at the fair, Kimono and Obi having a design of Peru’s world heritage was exhibited in the lobby. Finally, the proceeds of the international booth went to the people who were affected by Kumamoto earthquake.

今年も恒例のいけばなインターナショナルフェアが12月5日(月)ロイヤルパークホテルで開催されました。今年度のフェア委員長は駐日ペルー共和国大使夫人クリスティーナ、エスカラ様が務められました。日本を代表する35のいけばなの家元作品が展示されました。ロイヤルホールは、23ヶ国の大使夫人によるインターナショナルブース、いけばなインターナショナル本部、国内支部、そして多種多様の店舗で賑わいました。 ペルーのフォークダンスと音楽に続いて、ワッフルの抽選会が行われました。2020年東京オリンピック、パラリンピックに向けて、196ヶ国を着物と帯で表現する「KIMONO PROJECT」が企画されています。その中でペルーの世界遺産を図案として織り込んだ着物と帯がロビーに展示されました。尚、インターナショナルのブースの収益は、熊本地震の被災者の方々に寄付されました。



Receiving a request from The University of Tokyo International Headquarters international Planning Division, TFC members gave a demonstration and workshop at KAITOKUKAN in Tokyo University Campus to the wives of people coming from ACEAN countries to attend an international conference.
First, Mrs.Okawara, the TFC member arranged Moribana using a Kenzann (needle pinholder for flowers) and Nageire using a vase while explaining Ikebana.
Secondly, the TFC member Mrs. Silvia exhibited Ikebana free style using a cellophane.
After two demonstrations, participants did the workshop with a vase containing an oasis.
Although there was a bit of a struggle at first , they arranged their works eagerly, they were able to finish satisfying works.
TFC members and participants spent an unforgettable day through Ikebana. We will continue this project as an annual project.


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