タグ: 2017-2018


Ikebana Exhibition

The Ikebana Exhibition by TFC members was held at KKR Hotel in Tokyo on 16th April 2018.
Many TFC members participated in this Flower Exhibition.
The ribbon cutting ceremony was conducted by I.I.Headquarters
President Ms.Diana Salansky and I.I.Tokyo Founding Chapter President Ms.Misako Ishii.
The Exhibition, attended by over 300 guests including Iemoto of the Ikebana School and the wives of the ambassadors, was a great success.
Many guests could enjoy the flower workshop and the White Elephant sale and the Bake sale were also successfully sold out.
Thank you very much for your support.



会員の花展作品はこちら Ikebana Photo Gallery

Coming-of-age ceremony by the youth’welfare center


The Coming-of-age Ceremony was held by the Youth’s Welfare Center at the Hotel Lungwood in Nippori on January 13, 2018. TFC has presented the bouquets to the youths ever year.

New adults expressed their gratitude for those who took care of them at the Youth’s Welfare Center and also expressed their future goals in a warm atmosphere.




The annual Ikebana International Fair was held on Monday, December 4, 2017 at Royal Park Hotel (Nihonbashi), under the auspices of Fair Chairperson Madam Rahel Zewdie Sleeuwagen, wife of the ambassador of Belgium. A main feature was 37 ikebana arrangements by ikebana iemotos. The Royal Hall was filled with participants and guests from all over Japan visiting and enjoying international booths of 24 embassies, and booths of domestic chapters and Tokyo Founding Chapter as well as participating shops.
This year, we introduced a special entertainment, World Tea/Coffee Ceremonies featuring Arabian Coffee, Ethiopian Coffee, and Japanese Tea, and there was a European style table setting presentation and a traditional Kimono Dressing show of Japanese bridal costume and Juni-hitoe (twelve-layered ceremonial kimono). The entertainment was a piano concert by Ms. Ayako Morita and Ethiopian dancing by the Moka Ethiopia dance group.
At the Ikebana International New Year Luncheon on January 18, 2018 hosted by Ikebana International Headquarters, the proceeds from the international booths and international table were donated to people affected by the heavy rain disaster in northern Kyushu in July 2017, the donation accepted by Mr. Hiroshi Ogawa, governor of Fukuoka Prefecture, who attended the donation ceremony.

恒例のいけばなインターナショナルフェアが、2017年12月4日(月)、ロイヤルパークホテル(日本橋)で開催されました。今年度のフェア委員長は、ベルギー大使夫人 ラヘル・ゼウディ様が務められました。日本を代表する37のいけばなの家元作品が展示されました。ロイヤルホールは、24ヶ国の大使夫人によるインターナショナルブース、各国大使館のご協力によるインターナショナルテーブル、東京支部会員による手工芸品の販売、いけばなインターナショナル国内支部のブース、そして多種多様の店舗で賑わいました。日本のお抹茶以外に、カタール大使夫人によるアラビアコーヒーセレモニー、エチオピア大使夫人によるエチオピアコーヒーセレモニー、イエメン大使夫人による水の儀式、ヨーロッパスタイルのテーブルセッティングのプレゼンテーション、12単衣、花嫁衣装など、日本の伝統的な着物の着付け等のエンターテインメントも開催いたしました。また、エンターテインメントでは、守田絢子様によるピアノコンサート、モカ・エチオピアダンスグループによる、エチオピアダンスも披露されました。

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