
Ikebana for 60th Year Anniversary of Portland Japanese Garden

TFC offered the Ikebana arrangement to decorate the stage to celebrate 60th year anniversary of the Japanese Garden in Portland, Oregon, U.S.A, in the presence of HIH Princess Takamado, at Happo-en in Tokyo on May 26, 2023.

TFC was named a sponsor and a supporter of the program.


プログラムには「いけばなインターナショナル東京支部」をSPONSORS AND SUPPORTERSとして掲載してくださり、宴席でご紹介いただきました。

June Gala Luncheon / 義援金贈呈式と昼食会2023

Donation Ceremony & June Gala Luncheon

Wednesday, June 14, 2023             Venue: Hotel New Otani  “Tsuru nishi no Ma”

The proceeds from the embassy bazaar of Ikebana International Fair 2022 have been donated to the “Turkey and Syria Earthquake Relief Fund” of Japanese Red Cross Society as well as to “Donation for Child Welfare” of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health. We had the donation ceremony with the presence of H.I.H. Princess Takamado.

Following the ceremony, Ikebana Demonstration was given by Ms. Akane Teshigahara, the Headmistress of the Sogetsu School. The theme was “Conversing with Flowers”. Ms. Koei Sawada, Master Instructor of the Sogetsu Headquarters joined the demonstration.

At the luncheon, everyone enjoyed delicious food and wine, and the time passed peacefully with smiles and joy of reunion.



2023年6月14日(水)                         会場: ホテルニューオータニ 鶴西の間

「いけばなインターナショナルフェア2022」の大使館バザー収益金を、日本赤十字社「トルコ・シリア地震救援金」として、日本赤十字社社長 清家篤様にフェア委員長チュニジア大使夫人より贈呈いたしました。 また東京都福祉保健局「児童福祉のための寄付金」に寄附し、都議会開催の為ご欠席でした東京都知事 小池百合子様からのお礼状を読み上げました。

日本学生協会基金理事長 長谷川敏子様には東京支部が贈呈いたしました。

その後、「花との語らい」をテーマに草月流 勅使河原茜家元と草月会本部講師 澤田晃映師範のいけばなデモンストレーションが行われました。






May Monthly Meeting / 5月例会 2023

Annual General Meeting and May Monthly Meeting

May 17, 2023 (Wednesday)          Venue: International House Koyata Iwasaki Memorial Hall

On a day when a refreshing breeze blew through the green trees, after the general meeting, we invited the Professor Kuniyoshi Tsuchiya, Ikenobo and enjoyed his demonstration. The theme was “The Ten Virtues of Kado”.  He explained that each word had a deep meaning, which moved the heart of the audience.


年次総会 5月例会

2023年5月17日(水)                         会場: 国際文化会館 岩崎小彌太記念ホール

緑の樹々に爽やかな風の吹く日に、総会終了後、池坊華道会 土屋郁剛准教授をお迎えしてのデモンストレーションを開催しました。テーマは「華道十徳」、一つ一つの言葉に深い意味があり、観客の皆様の心に染み渡りました。



TFC Ikebana Exhibition in April 2023「花を通じての友好」いけばな展 2023

Ikebana Exhibition 2023 “Friendship through Flowers”

April 15, 2023 (Saturday)               Pre-opening exhibition

April 16, 2023 (Sunday)                 Opening ceremony, Workshop and Exhibition

Venue:  Tokyo Metropolitan Theater, Gallery 1

The event was held at a venue where many people can visit. It was a collaboration of “Ikebana” and “Calligraphy”, the traditional cultures of which we are proud.

At the opening ceremony, the wife of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Yuko Hayashi, the wife of the Angola Ambassador, the President of the Ikebana International Headquarters, and the President of   Tokyo founding Chapter cut the ribbon.

In addition, the president of TFC gave an ikebana demonstration with the students of the Tokyo Metropolitan Setagaya General High School’s Ikebana Club and the son of the Tunisian Ambassador. We hope that this event disseminated Japanese culture to people across generations and countries.

At the same time, calligraphy performance and the workshop by calligrapher, Katsuhiro Miike was held.

The ikebana workshops were organized by Mr. Rishi Otsuka, the Iemoto of Koryu Katabamikai, and Ms. Shoei Fujisawa, the Iemoto of the Soshoryu.  The participants fully enjoyed and tried the arts earnestly.


『Ikebana Exhibition 2023 花を通じての友好』

2023年4月15日(土) プレオープン 展示

2023年4月16日(日) オープニングセレモニー、体験と展示

会場: 東京芸術劇場 (池袋駅直結) 5F ギャラリー1





いけばな体験では、古流かたばみ会家元 大塚理司先生、華道草照流家元 藤澤照瑛先生、書道体験は書道家三池克祐先生が講師をしてくださり、多くの参加者が真剣に取り組まれました。






TFC plans major Ikebana Exhibition on 15 and 16 April with many members and friends.


Visitors are more than welcome and can join workshop of Ikebana and calligraphy. Please see the details in the following. 



March Monthly Meeting / 3月例会 2023

The March Monthly Meeting

March 22, 2023(Wednesday)         Venue: The Embassy of the Republic of Angola

The Ikebana demonstration was given by Ms. Toko Adachi, Second Grand Flower Master of the Adachi Kagei School on the theme, ‘Hanagoromo’.  A bright spring was created in the venue by the demonstration with a music performance by Ms. Ichiko Tanaka (clarinetist), Ms. Mayumi Hosaka (flute player), Ms. Yoko Ito (piano player) and Ms. Naomi Takahashi, representatives of Ange Musique.



2023年3月22日(水)                会場: アンゴラ共和国大使館

花芸安達流二代主宰 安達曈子先生によるいけばなデモンストレーションを開催しました。

いけばなのテーマは 「花衣」でAnge Musique (アンジェミュジーク) 代表の田中伊知子様(クラリネット奏者)と保坂真弓様(フルート奏者)、伊藤陽子様(ピアノ演奏)、高橋奈織美様の演奏と共に明るい春を演出されました。












February Monthly Meeting / 2月例会 2023

The February Monthly Meeting

February 22, 2023(Wednesday)     Venue: The official residence of Indonesian Ambassador

Ms. Kazuko Nakada, the Master Instructor of the Sogetsu Headquarters gave the demonstration on the theme, ‘Joining the World together with Ikebana’.  Her ingenuity and vivid handwork decorated the venue, and the ambassadors’ wives arranged a bunch of anthurium and New Zealand Flax.

After that, a fashion show was held to introduce the works of Ms. Hatsumi Yoshida.

Some of the TFC members walked the runway gracefully and lightly as models.



2023年2月22日(水)                会場: インドネシア共和国大使公邸

草月流本部講師 中田和子師範によるいけばなデモンストレーションが行われました。









Ikebana International Fair 2022

Ikebana International Fair 2022

December 12, 2022 (Monday)        Venue: Royal Park Hotel

With the presence of Ikebana International Honorary President, H.I.H. Princess Takamado, the Governor of Tokyo, Ms. Yuriko Koike, the spouse of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Yuko Hayashi,  Ambassadors, spouses of Ambassadors, and Iemotos attended the opening ceremony.

This time, the wife of the Tunisian Ambassador, Mme. Houda Kallel Elloumi, took on the role of Chairperson of the Fair. Ikebana exhibition by 32 Ikebana Iemotos and a bazaar with the cooperation of 40 embassies were organized.  The proceeds from the embassy bazaar were donated to the areas affected by natural disasters in Japan. In addition, for the first time in three years, we had an entertainment and a raffle.

For the raffle prizes, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the companies, embassies, ikebana schools, and members who have provided us with many attractive prizes, including Okinawa pair accommodation tickets with air tickets.

This fair is a good opportunity to spread the beauty of Ikebana to the world as well as to know the culture of each country through the bazaar supported by the embassies.



2022年12月12日(月)                  会場:ロイヤルパークホテル(水天宮) 3F








November Monthly Meeting / 11月例会 2022

The November Monthly Meeting  

“Ikebana Demonstration by Members,”

November 16, 2022 (Wednesday) 

Venue: The multipurpose hall “ESPACIO MEXICANO” of the Embassy of Mexico


The first group Mme. Kaire JURGENSON, the wife of the Estonian Ambassador, and Ms. Ekuko Odake (Sogetsu school).

The second groupMme. Hanan ABUBAKR, the wife of the Egyptian Ambassador, and Ms. Noriko Yasuhara (Ohara school)

The third groupMme. Nuning Wahyuniati AKHMADI, the wife of the Indonesian Ambassador and Ms. Emi Yoshimura (European Flower Academy)

The fourth groupMs. Nobuko Usui (Ohara School) and Ms. Noriko Kira (Sogetsu School)

While listening to the stories of eight people, we enjoyed gorgeous and unique ikebana.

As a souvenir for everyone, we presented agave syrup, which is good for the body and made from agave.




2022年11月16日(水) 会場:メキシコ大使館 多目的ホール「ESPACIO MEXICANO」

【第1グループ】 エストニア大使夫人 Mme. Kaire JURGENSON、小竹永恭子様(草月流)

【第2グループ】 エジプト大使夫人 Mme. Hanan ABUBAKR、安原典子様(小原流)

【第3グループ】 インドネシア大使夫人 Mme. Nuning Wahyuniati AKHMADI、吉村恵美様(ヨーロピアンフ                       ラワーアカデミー)

【第4グループ】          臼井延子様(小原流)、吉良紀子様(草月流)




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