
March Monthly Meeting / 3月例会 2023

The March Monthly Meeting

March 22, 2023(Wednesday)         Venue: The Embassy of the Republic of Angola

The Ikebana demonstration was given by Ms. Toko Adachi, Second Grand Flower Master of the Adachi Kagei School on the theme, ‘Hanagoromo’.  A bright spring was created in the venue by the demonstration with a music performance by Ms. Ichiko Tanaka (clarinetist), Ms. Mayumi Hosaka (flute player), Ms. Yoko Ito (piano player) and Ms. Naomi Takahashi, representatives of Ange Musique.



2023年3月22日(水)                会場: アンゴラ共和国大使館

花芸安達流二代主宰 安達曈子先生によるいけばなデモンストレーションを開催しました。

いけばなのテーマは 「花衣」でAnge Musique (アンジェミュジーク) 代表の田中伊知子様(クラリネット奏者)と保坂真弓様(フルート奏者)、伊藤陽子様(ピアノ演奏)、高橋奈織美様の演奏と共に明るい春を演出されました。












February Monthly Meeting / 2月例会 2023

The February Monthly Meeting

February 22, 2023(Wednesday)     Venue: The official residence of Indonesian Ambassador

Ms. Kazuko Nakada, the Master Instructor of the Sogetsu Headquarters gave the demonstration on the theme, ‘Joining the World together with Ikebana’.  Her ingenuity and vivid handwork decorated the venue, and the ambassadors’ wives arranged a bunch of anthurium and New Zealand Flax.

After that, a fashion show was held to introduce the works of Ms. Hatsumi Yoshida.

Some of the TFC members walked the runway gracefully and lightly as models.



2023年2月22日(水)                会場: インドネシア共和国大使公邸

草月流本部講師 中田和子師範によるいけばなデモンストレーションが行われました。









Ikebana International Fair 2022

Ikebana International Fair 2022

December 12, 2022 (Monday)        Venue: Royal Park Hotel

With the presence of Ikebana International Honorary President, H.I.H. Princess Takamado, the Governor of Tokyo, Ms. Yuriko Koike, the spouse of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Yuko Hayashi,  Ambassadors, spouses of Ambassadors, and Iemotos attended the opening ceremony.

This time, the wife of the Tunisian Ambassador, Mme. Houda Kallel Elloumi, took on the role of Chairperson of the Fair. Ikebana exhibition by 32 Ikebana Iemotos and a bazaar with the cooperation of 40 embassies were organized.  The proceeds from the embassy bazaar were donated to the areas affected by natural disasters in Japan. In addition, for the first time in three years, we had an entertainment and a raffle.

For the raffle prizes, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the companies, embassies, ikebana schools, and members who have provided us with many attractive prizes, including Okinawa pair accommodation tickets with air tickets.

This fair is a good opportunity to spread the beauty of Ikebana to the world as well as to know the culture of each country through the bazaar supported by the embassies.



2022年12月12日(月)                  会場:ロイヤルパークホテル(水天宮) 3F








November Monthly Meeting / 11月例会 2022

The November Monthly Meeting  

“Ikebana Demonstration by Members,”

November 16, 2022 (Wednesday) 

Venue: The multipurpose hall “ESPACIO MEXICANO” of the Embassy of Mexico


The first group Mme. Kaire JURGENSON, the wife of the Estonian Ambassador, and Ms. Ekuko Odake (Sogetsu school).

The second groupMme. Hanan ABUBAKR, the wife of the Egyptian Ambassador, and Ms. Noriko Yasuhara (Ohara school)

The third groupMme. Nuning Wahyuniati AKHMADI, the wife of the Indonesian Ambassador and Ms. Emi Yoshimura (European Flower Academy)

The fourth groupMs. Nobuko Usui (Ohara School) and Ms. Noriko Kira (Sogetsu School)

While listening to the stories of eight people, we enjoyed gorgeous and unique ikebana.

As a souvenir for everyone, we presented agave syrup, which is good for the body and made from agave.




2022年11月16日(水) 会場:メキシコ大使館 多目的ホール「ESPACIO MEXICANO」

【第1グループ】 エストニア大使夫人 Mme. Kaire JURGENSON、小竹永恭子様(草月流)

【第2グループ】 エジプト大使夫人 Mme. Hanan ABUBAKR、安原典子様(小原流)

【第3グループ】 インドネシア大使夫人 Mme. Nuning Wahyuniati AKHMADI、吉村恵美様(ヨーロピアンフ                       ラワーアカデミー)

【第4グループ】          臼井延子様(小原流)、吉良紀子様(草月流)




October Monthly Meeting / 10月例会 2022

Sakura tree planting ceremony

October 12, 2022 (Wednesday)

Venue: (in the morning): The official residence of Indian Ambassador

It was held to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the independence of India and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and India. In the presence of H.I.H. Princess Takamado, Honorary President of Ikebana International, His Excellency Mr. Sanjay Kumar Verma, Ambassador of India, Mme. Gunjan Verma, the spouse of Ambassador, Mrs. Yuko Kishida, the spouse of the Prime Minister, and Dr. Yuko Hayashi, the spouse of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, we planted a Sakura tree called Kanzan. This tree planting also used funds from the Green Campaign. As a proof of the friendship between Japan and India, I hope that it will take root and grow into splendid flowers.

植樹祭 インド独立75周年・日印国交樹立70周年記念


会場: (午前)インド大使公邸(新宿区西早稲田)

いけばなインターナショナル名誉総裁 高円宮妃久子殿下ご臨席の下、サンジェイ・クマール・ヴァルマ大使閣下、グンジャン・ヴァルマ大使夫人、内閣総理大臣夫人 岸田裕子様、外務大臣夫人 林裕子様のご出席を賜わり、関山(カンザン)という八重桜を植樹いたしました。この植樹は「グリーンキャンペーン」の資金を使いました。日本とインドの友好の証として、根をはり立派に成長し見事な花を咲かせてくれることを願います。


The October Monthly Meeting

October 12, 2022 (Wednesday)

Venue: (in the afternoon): The Auditorium of the Embassy of India

The theme of the ikebana demonstration by Ms. Hakuyo Abiru, Assistant Professor of the Council of the Ohara Professors of Ohara School, was ‘Sparkling Autumn Breeze’ and a gorgeous and calm ikebana work was completed.


会場: (午後)インド大使館講堂(千代田区九段南)











September Monthly Meeting / 9月例会 2022


2022年9月25日(日)                会場: 渋谷文化総合センター大和田 伝承ホール

今期第1回目の例会が開催されました。いけばな松風 副家元の塚越応駿先生のダイナミックないけばなのデモンストレーションは、後藤魂氏(ピアノ)、片野吾朗氏(ベース)、林哲郎氏(サックス)の各ジャズ奏者のアドリブ演奏と共に響き合い、私たちの目と耳を惹きつけました。



The September Monthly Meeting

September 25, 2022 (Sunday)        Venue: Densho Hall, Shibuya Cultural Center Owada

We held our first regular meeting for this term. The demonstrations by the Iemoto Designate of SHOFU School of Ikebana, Mr. Oshun Tsukagoshi captivated the audience, and jazz musicians, Mr. Tamashii Goto (piano), Mr. Goro Katano (bass), and Mr. Tetsuro Hayashi (sax), colored the three demonstrations with their improvisation. After that Mme. Anna Högberg, the spouse of Swedish Ambassador, joined the performance with her beautiful voice.

The collaboration between ikebana demonstration and performance of jazz music on stage attracted the attendees and received many compliments.






June Gala Luncheon / 義援金贈呈式と昼食会

June Gala Luncheon 

The donation ceremony was held on Thursday, June 2nd at Hotel New Otani, Fuyo no Ma with the presence of H.I.H. Princess Takamado, the Governor of Tokyo Metropolitan, Ms. Yuriko Koike, the spouse of the Prime Minister, Mrs. Yuko Kishida, His excellency, spouses of ambassadors and TFC members and friends.

Mrs. Maria de Fatima Xavier, the spouse of Ambassador of Angola and the Chairperson of Ikebana International Fair 2021, handed the catalog of the donation to the Governor of Tokyo Metropolitan as the donation for the Bureau of Social Welfare and Public Health Agency of Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Chairperson of NPO Japan Kodomo-Shokudo Support Center “MUSUBIE” which supports the meals for children.

Following that, Ikebana Demonstration was given by Ms. Senko Ikenobo, the Headmaster Designate of Ikenobo.  The works with the theme “Wishing Peace in the world” were full of dignity and beauty and gave us hope for tomorrow.



「いけばなインターナショナルフェア 2021」での大使館バザーの収益金目録を、フェア委員長のアンゴラ大使夫人、マリア デ ファティマ様から、東京都福祉保健局「守ろう東京・新型コロナ対策医療支援 寄附金」として東京都知事に、子供食堂を運営している認定NPO法人 全国こども食堂支援センター・むすびえの理事長に授与されました。


May Monthly Meeting 2022 / 5月例会 2022

May Monthly Meeting

On Wednesday, May 18th, Ikebana Demonstration was given by Mr. Naohiro Kasuya, Headmaster of Ichiyo School of Ikebana at The International House of Japan Iwasaki Koyata Memorial Hall.

The theme is “Arranging the wind of early summer” and he showed the dynamic and splendid works connecting the inside and outside of the venue.




April Monthly Meeting 2022 / 4月例会 2022

April Monthly Meeting

On April 20th, the Ikebana International Tokyo Founding Chapter held the April Monthly Meeting at Densho Hall  Shibuya-ku Cultural Center Owada.

The theme was the collaboration of Ikebana and Noh play.  The Ikebana demonstration was given by Mr. Kosen Ohtsubo, Ryuseiha and the Noh was performed by Mr. Takao Yamauchi, Hoshoryu Noh actor.  After the Rikka style Ikebana demonstration, the presentation of Noh in general and Noh Music were given, then “Hajitomi (The Wicket Gate)” was performed.  It was a very exciting collaboration while learning Ikebana and Noh.




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